Welcome to Shadow F/X Studios. We provide multimedia and video post production services to the general public. We would love for you to come and visit if you find the time.

Our mission is to provide the very best quality graphic design and multimedia on the market. We have several workstations at our disposal to help provide the maximum range of options to our clients.

The areas of this site include...

Portfolio- This is where you can see some of the work Shadow F/X Studios has done for other clients. There are categories covering all of the different areas of multimedia we work in.

About SFX- Who are we, what is our motivation, where did we come from, what is our expertize, why you should choose us.

Services- This is a listing of the variety of services we offer as well as some general pricing guidelines.

Contact Info- This is where you go to find a listing of contact information for shadow fx studios. Most of this information is also located elsewhere, but this is the complete list.

David's Pages- David Scheideman is the founder and owner of Shadow F/X Studios. And he decided that if he was going to pay for the webspace, he would put some personal stuff up as well. The reason there is a link is that his site is kind of an extended portfolio, including paintings and graphic endeavors beyond the scope of Shadow F/X Studios. If you see a style or type of image you like, you might just be able to hire him to do something similar for you. Warning: this is a personal site, not a business site, please remember that.

Client Area- In order to better facilitate communication with clients, Shadow F/X Studios has set up an area for clients to go to check on the progress of their project. This is a password protected area. However, should a client choose to make their updates public, or if Shadow F/X Studios is working on an internal project, a guest login will allow the general public to see how Shadow F/X Studios offers the client everything they could want.